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The Saboteur siap dirilis bulan Desember

Posted by Feri

Beberapa waktu yang lalu telah diberitakan kabar yang kurang menyenangkan dari Pandemic Studios. Setelah memecat lebih 200 orang pegawainya, Pandemic Studios akhirnya mengumumkan bahwa mereka resmi menutup Studio yang didirikan sejak tahun 2008 yang lalu. Namun baru-baru ini mereka mengumumkan kabar yang cukup menggembirakan, yaitu game terakhir mereka - The Saboteur telah siap dipasarkan.

Mathew Everett, Community Manager dari Pandemic Studios mengatakan, bahwa memang ini merupakan minggu yang sulit bagi pihak mereka, dengan segala pemecatan dan penutupan Studio mereka. Namun Mathew mengatakan bahwa hal itu tidak merubah semangat semua pihak terkait yang berusaha mengembangkan game The Saboteur semaksimal mungkin. Dan dirinya dengan bangga mengatakan bahwa The Saboteur telah siap untuk dirilis bulan Desember mendatang.
The Saboteur sendiri akan mengambil setting tahun 1940an, dimana Nazi sedang memperluas wilayah kekuasaannya, termasuk di Prancis, gamer akan berperan sebagai Sean Devlin yang diciptakan berdasarkan pahlawan bernama William Charles Frederick Grover, seorang agen rahasia Perancis yang juga seorang pembalap. Game ini direncanakan akan dirilis tanggal 4 Desember 2009 di Eropa dan disusul North America pada tanggal 8 Desember 2009 bagi PC, Xbox 360 dan PS3.

Napoleon: Total War Impressions - First Look

Posted by Feri

For years, the Total War series has offered enormous, epic strategy on a scale that has only become greater over time. That's about to change. The next game in the series, Napoleon: Total War will, in the words of developer Creative Assembly, "put Total War under the microscope" because it will focus on the somewhat shorter, but legendary, career of one Napoleon Bonaparte instead of offering lengthy campaigns that last through decades of time. We recently had a chance to take a first look at the game and see some of its new features in action.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review

Posted by Feri

As one of the most critically acclaimed shooters of all time, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a prime example of a tough act to follow. Yet, amidst a raging storm of anticipation and expectation, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has done it. The new campaign is chock-full of intense action and dramatic moments, and though it is more muddled than its predecessor (in more ways than one), it's still an absolute blast. The new Special Ops mode allows you to experience some campaign-inspired thrills with a friend and it's an engaging challenge to coordinate your maneuvers and tackle the varied objectives. Last but not least, the competitive multiplayer that took the online shooter community by storm two years ago is back. Though the addictive action remains the same at its core, there are a host of new elements that make matches more accessible, more strategic, and more rewarding. Unfortunately, these improvements are marred by limited online flexibility that may leave the PC shooter community out in the cold.